Have questions? We have answers.
Below are some frequently asked questions about our food pantry services.
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Who does NSS, Inc. food pantry programs serve?
NSS, Inc. food pantries focus on food assistance packages to elderly/disabled residents of public housing facilities in Hamden CT. There are a total of 360 residents at these sites, and from these populations, 200 packages are distributed each and every month. With many building closures because of the SARS-COVID19 pandemic, the NSS, Inc. food pantry has become and will continue as a direct delivery service to the community’s elderly/disabled residents. Most of these seniors/disabled persons have challenging mobility and accessibility issues that prevent them from going to grocery stores and carrying enough food supplies from shopping trips.
How much food was provided in each NSS, Inc. food package?
Each food assistance package contains 10-12 meals with a wide variety of foods, including fresh produce and dairy, eggs, cheese, and frozen meats and poultry. On average, NSS, Inc. continues to provide 3000+ meals each month inside food assistance packages and under its partnership with a monthly neighborhood food drive.
Where does the food inside the packages come from?
NSS, Inc. is a participating member of the Connecticut Food Bank/FoodShare and obtains most of its food supplies from this regional food bank operation. USDA commodities (Temporary Food Assistance Program Foods -TEFAP) are also available from the foodbank to be included in the contents of the food bags. Additional food supplies are obtained from local retail grocers, food wholesalers, and agricultural operations/farms. NSS, Inc. welcomes food donations from outside organizations and individuals.
How often can someone get food assistance?
NSS, Inc. conducts its large food distributions every two weeks to elderly/disabled residents in Hamden and Greater New Haven. Elderly and disabled persons in the community who can demonstrate economic hardship can order a food package by:
a.) calling the NSS, Inc, Hotline: 203-901-6958 or
b.) placing an order online at: https://www.smartchoice.life/nss
Can I receive a “special package” to meet my medical or personal dietary needs?
NSS, Inc. food pantries provide special packages that individuals can pre-order from the entire storeroom inventory. Such diets supported by NSS, Inc food pantries include sugar-free (diabetic friendly), low salt, low cholesterol, vegetarian, vegan, lactose-free, and gluten-free.